Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Prostate Enlargement and Natural Treatment with Herbs

Guest Blogger: Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Ayurveda is a Science of Life which has Natural Ways to treat various diseases. Many Herbs or Ayurvedic Medicines are explained in the ancient text books for their actions, properties and benefits. Kanchnar, Guggul, Varun, Shilajit, Arjun, Nagbala, Chandan etc are wonderful herbs that help take care of the prostate.

As men age there are many chances for men to develop hypertrophy of the prostate, which is known as BPH ( Benign Prostate Hyperplasia). It is a condition which affects men after the age of 40, sometimes 50, due to imbalance of sex hormones. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra which passes urine from the bladder to the penis and then out. This gland produces fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. In prostate enlargement, this can press on the urethra and create urinary and bladder problems.

The exact cause of this prostatic hypertrophy occurs is not known. It takes place due to the changes in the balance of sex hormones. It has been known that BPH occurs mainly in older men.

Symptoms presented are difficulty in the starting of urination, weak urine stream, dribbling at the end of urination, recurrent need to urinate, increased occurrence of urination at night time, not being able to completely empty the bladder and urinary tract infection with impaired kidney functions.

It can be diagnosed with number of tests like, detailed questioning of symptoms, digital rectal examination, urine analysis, prostate specific antigen test (PSA), tran rectal ultrasound, prostate biopsy etc to rule out the condition of prostate enlargement.

Natural Treatment For An Enlarged Prostate Is Available!

Planet Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company offering a wide range of herbal products for the treatment of various ailments. The herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda help in the prevention and treatment of a majority of diseases. The ingredients of the various herbal remedies are known for their healing, preventive, and curative properties. The proper and regular use of these herbal remedies can alleviate various common health problems and ailments. PROSTATE CARE PACK we are presenting is an effective formula to take care of people around the world who are suffering. This pack includes herbal remedies that help to reduce the signs and symptoms of enlarged prostate. Detailed explanation is given below -

1.      Shilajit capsules
2.      Kanchnaar guggul
3.      Varunadi vati
4.      Tribulus power capsules

1.      Shilajit Capsules – Shilajit capsules is majorly famous for physical and mental stresses. Regular intake of shilajit is proven to overcome every kind of physical and mental stress. Surgery can be avoided if used regularly in case of enlarged prostate and urinary incontinence. Also it has proven beneficial in low libido, erectile dysfunctions and other sexual disorders. It improves vigor and stamina.

2.      Kanchnaar Guggalu – Herbal preparation by Planet Ayurveda contains Laksha, Naagbala, Arjun, Guggalu etc that can be used by number of people suffering from thyroid, all types of cancer, enlarged prostate, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, piles, brain tumors etc .

3.      Varunadi Vati – Pure herbal preparation, Consists of Varun, Punarnava, Rakta Chandan etc and considered to be helpful for people suffering from kidney stones, urinary incontinence, chronic cystitis, dysuria etc. it also acts as laxative and is very useful in prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer as well. Varunadi vati can also control the levels of urea and creatinine in the urine.

4.      Tribulus Power – A Natural Formulation that improves self confidence in men. It is known to increase sperm count as well its quality. Also helps to cure erectile dysfunctions with regular use. It helps in reducing serum glucose levels and treats hypertension by decreasing cholesterol levels.


About the Author
DR.Vikram Chauhan is MD in Ayurvedic medicines and an expert Ayurveda consultant from India. He is also a owner of Planet Ayurveda, Krishna Herbals and Always Ayurveda. For more information visit

The views, opinions and products in this article do not particularly convey the views of Progressive Complete Health.  PCH only wishes to convey viewpoints of others.  This article is in now way intended to diagnos any condition.  Always seek a Dr.'s advice before starting a new supplement.  

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